When is the right time to find a new job?

There are many reasons for people wanting to leave their jobs. Whatever be the reason, the best time to start looking for a new job is when you still have one. This spares you the anxiety of needing to find ‘some’ job quickly. Planning the search for your new job and devoting the required time to the job search is critical for the success of your search.

A variety of confusing factors and emotions begin to affect your thinking when you are trying to decide if it is right for you to move to a new job. The important factors that you need to keep in mind when you start looking out for a new job are as follows:

⦁ Unusual Lay-offs

The current pandemic has created a lot of uncertainty in the economy. If you work in an industry affected by lockdowns, it is a good time to start looking for a new role in an industry that is less affected.

To know if your firm is planning to reduce its workforce, look out for signs such as colleagues being sent on unpaid leave or being laid off, roles being cut, etc. Other clear signs of coming manpower reduction are as follows: business slow-down/contraction, the decreased workload for the firm, loss of key clients, etc.

⦁ Poor Work Environment

An unhealthy work culture or an abusive manager/boss can cause the workplace to turn toxic. A lack of vision in the firm’s business goals and confusing policies can also add to the negativity in the workplace and are good reasons for you to start looking for a new job.

      • No Change in Salary

Despite reasonable performance at work, your requests for a raise are ignored, or you have been told that the firm has put on hold all salary raises. These are good reasons to consider a change of job. 

A note of caution – carefully assess the job market, keep expectations realistic, and evaluate the general economic situation before arriving at your job-change decision. 

      • No Work-Life Balance

        The pandemic-induced lockdowns have made working from home acceptable in most firms. However, this has blurred the lines between working hours and off-working hours – disturbing the work-life balance. For those commuting to work, the long commute times might be eating into their work-life balance. 

Remote work or in-office work, if the firm does not provide you with the flexibility to decide and manage your mode of working best suited for a work-life balance, it might be time to start your job hunt.

      • You Have Hit a Plateau

        You get the feeling that you have learned all that you can in your current job. An absence of opportunities for professional growth and career advancement are dampeners for excitement at work. 

If you face such a situation, talk to the manager for a change of role with more responsibilities. However, if your request is ignored, it is time for you to prepare to move on. 

      • Do Not Look Forward to Going to Work

        If every day, or very often, you feel stressed out and anxious at the thought of going to work – it is not a healthy sign. Such feelings may be caused due to poor work culture, lack of support from colleagues, etc. This is a strong reason to start preparing for a change of job.

      • Lowered Productivity

        You notice a lack of enthusiasm for work and sense a decrease in your productivity. If you are merely going through the motions and your heart is not in it, it is time to first self-analyze what could be done to bring the enthusiasm back. 

  You could also talk to your manager about this. However, if nothing helps, it would be best for both       the firm and you to consider moving on. 

      • Mismatched Skill Set.

        Are you stuck in the wrong job? Probably, by aptitude, you are better off being a web designer or a volunteer with an NGO. If the thought of a career change excites you, then it probably is time for you to plan a move to the career that you secretly wish for.

Handling the Job Change.  

Do not do anything impulsive or rash before you have a clear job search plan. Prepare in a planned manner and pay attention to the following to smoothen the process of the job change.

      • Evaluate your transferable skills.
      • Equip yourself with in-demand job skills.
      • Figure out your professional and personal goals and priorities.
      • Reach out to your professional network.
      • Connect to people in your target industry/firm.
      • Update your resume/LinkedIn profile.
      • Get some interview practice through mock interview sessions.
      • Hire/talk to a career coach.
      • Leave at the right time.

Once the decision to leave has been made – after careful and objective thinking, do not hesitate or feel guilty about moving on. Transitioning at the right time is important for your professional satisfaction and success. 

I want a Job

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