Most In-Demand Engineering Jobs For 2022


Lucky is he who can make a career out of his passion. If you have an insatiable curiosity to learn new things and an innate problem-solving attitude, Engineering can be just the right field for you.

However, like every other profession, choosing a specialisation that suits your interests and skill set is imperative.

If you are perplexed about which engineering job to pursue, we’ve got your back.

7 Engineering Jobs to look out for in 2022

Data Science & Machine Learning 

Data is the new fuel. Collect, refine and analyse data.

An IT person whose work encompasses researching, and designing self-running artificial intelligence (AI) systems to automate predictive models, is an ML engineer or machine learning engineer.

The future is AI and machine learning. In the coming years, 2.3 million jobs are expected to be in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning.

Machine Learning Engineer is the top job in terms of salary, and growth of postings, as per a 2019 report by Indeed.

Automation & Robotics Engineer

Robots have always fascinated humans. The designing and development of robots using artificial intelligence, which are controlled through computers, are used in huge industries to speed up manufacturing processes is automation and robotics engineering.

Automation and robotics have a promising and flourishing future as robots are highly in demand to ease and quicken the processes in industrial units, hospitals, or even designing of bio-medical equipment and many more.

 Mechanical Engineer 

This is the most varied type of engineering, which involves designing product blueprints and developing, maintaining, and testing mechanical systems. A person who has a vision and a knack for designing mechanical devices and improving mechanical technologies should consider mechanical engineering as a career.

Mechanical engineering involves studying statics, thermodynamics, fluid dynamics, mechanical design, and technical drawing. Specialisations include- manufacturing, transportation systems, combustion, nanotechnology, and robotics.

Some marvels of civil engineering are Car engines, refrigerators, HVAC systems, printers, the controls on an aeroplane, and many more.

Civil Engineer

Ever witnessed the map of a place being transformed within months? Well, that is the job of a civil engineer.  Civil Engineers are responsible for designing and constructing infrastructure projects and making inhabitable areas suitable for modern living. This involves planning, designing, and developing buildings, roads, bridges, dams, and other large projects. 

Civil Engineering calls for understanding the Earth’s crust by studying Geotechnics and Hydraulics since Civil engineers plan the construction of structures according to the soil, water, and other natural processes.

Electrical Engineer

As the name suggests, Electrical engineering is the study of electrical devices and the application of electrical power where engineers focus on the large-scale production and supply of electrical power and use programs to design and map out systems and equipment. Electrical engineers get a handsome pay package; however, this job comes with its fair share of risk as it involves the perils of working with electricity. 

Alternative Energy Engineer

Unlike civil and mechanical engineering, Alternative energy engineering is not that commonly heard of. These energy engineers work on producing energy from wind, hydro or marine power, and solar energy, i.e., sustainable sources, and conduct research, design, and develop new machinery and production processes to minimise environmental impact.

Mining Engineering

Looking for some adventure while working? Mining engineering might be the perfect career for you. Mining Engineering involves the extraction of minerals from underneath or above the ground. A mining engineer is surrounded by Geologists and Metallurgical Engineers, carrying out Mineral processing, exploration, excavation, studying geology, and metallurgy to find new mineral deposits.


Post-Covid, as the economy is slowly picking up, job opportunities for engineers are expected to grow in the coming years, and Engineering as a career, because of the umpteen opportunities it provides, will always be in demand.

I want a Engineering Job

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