6 Soft Skills that Every Recruiter Looks For

Most blue and grey-collar candidates spend their time developing and honing the hard skills needed to do the job. But often, recruiters will look for more than just technical capabilities – they’ll also look for soft skills.

Soft skills are personal qualities that help an employee relate well with other people in a professional setting. These skills can help you to make a great impression on recruiters and help you stand out from the competition. Some of the most common soft skills sought after by recruiters include:


Remember the saying, “Communication is key”? Well, it’s true – communication is a must-have soft skill for any candidate, irrespective of their industry. A candidate with strong communication skills can clearly and confidently express their ideas, opinions, and feedback in a constructive manner that can help a team and an organisation succeed.

Communication skills can be classified into verbal, written, and non-verbal. Verbal communication skills include the ability to listen attentively, respond appropriately, and articulate one’s thoughts. Written skills involve writing emails, reports, and other documents with clarity and precision. Non-verbal skills refer to body language, facial expressions, and other symbols used to communicate without words.


Leadership is another essential soft skill that recruiters will be looking for. Leaders can effectively manage and motivate a team, resolve conflicts, delegate tasks, set goals, and provide feedback.

Leadership can help even if you’re not looking to become a manager. It can build relationships with colleagues, create a team spirit, and develop your professional network.


No matter what industry you’re in, employers will look for candidates who can work well with others in a team setting. Teams are more effective and efficient when everyone involved is working together harmoniously.

To showcase your teamwork skills during interviews, think and tell about how you’ve contributed positively to a team and highlight the successes that resulted from your teamwork. You can also practice teamwork by joining a study group or working on a project with colleagues.

Teamwork can be challenging to master, as it involves understanding how different personalities and working styles can fit together to create a well-oiled machine. But it’s worth the effort, as it can help you to build strong relationships with your colleagues and set the stage for success.

Critical Thinking

Critical thinking involves processing information, questioning assumptions, and analysing different solutions and strategies. The flexible problem-solving that comes from critical thinking can be invaluable to any team or organisation. So recruiters will often look for candidates with a solid foundation in critical thinking.

While critical thinking does require natural aptitude, you can also develop it over time. To help improve your necessary thinking skills, read articles on the subject and try to identify the different types of problems in your profession that require an analytical approach.


Adaptability is an essential soft skill for any candidate looking to make a great impression on recruiters. Adaptable candidates can adjust quickly and easily to new environments, tasks, roles, and responsibilities.

During the interview, when discussing your adaptability, you can talk about how you’ve adjusted quickly when presented with new tasks or challenges. You can also highlight the different experiences and activities you’ve had to be flexible and creative.

Time Management

Being able to manage your time effectively is a crucial ability that recruiters will be looking for. Candidates with good time management skills can efficiently plan and prioritise tasks, stay focused on their goals, and meet deadlines.

Here are some tips to help you improve your time management skills:

Set realistic goals that are achievable within the timeframe given.

Break down more significant tasks into smaller, more manageable steps.

Make a to-do list and prioritise your tasks based on importance or urgency.

Set aside specific times for breaks and distractions.

Find ways to simplify and streamline your tasks.

Learn the art of saying “no” to avoid over-commitment.

In addition to these soft skills, there are other skills and qualities that recruiters look for in candidates, such as problem-solving abilities, a positive attitude, creativity, resilience, and honesty, to name a few. These qualities can help you stand out from the competition and make a great impression on recruiters.

Tips to Add Soft Skills to Your Resume

Now that you know what soft skills recruiters look for, the next step is to ensure these skills are included on your resume. Here are some tips to help you highlight your soft skills:

Use bulleted lists and keywords to help highlight your soft skills.

Include examples of times when you’ve used these skills in the past.

Focus on the soft skills that are most relevant to the job position.

Make sure your resume is free of typos and other errors.


By developing your soft skills and showcasing them during the recruitment process, you can significantly improve your chances of success. Soft skills are invaluable assets in the workplace, and employers will look for candidates with various abilities. So take the time to focus on building your soft skills and highlight them during recruitment.

I want a Job

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